Monday, January 25, 2010

Book Review: Pure-Terra Elan McVoy

Tabitha and her four best friends all wear purity rings, symbols of the virginity-until-marriage pledge they made years ago. Now Tab is fifteen, and her ring has come to mean so much more. It’s a symbol of who she is and what she believes—a reminder of her promises to herself, and her bond to her friends. But when Tab meets a boy whose kisses make her knees go weak, everything suddenly seems a lot more complicated. Tab’s best friend, Morgan, is far from supportive, and for the first time, Tabitha is forced to keep secrets from the one person with whom she’s always shared everything. When one of those secrets breaks to the surface, Tab finds herself at the center of an unthinkable betrayal that splits her friends apart. As Tab’s entire world comes crashing down around her, she’s forced to re-examine her friendships, her faith, and what exactly it means to be pure.
Before I go any further let me clear something up. This book is for anyone, young or old, gal or guy, Christian or not...It really grabs hold of your heart and makes your ears want to hear what the main character is saying. You really get attached to McVoy's voice, and I was sad when I finished Pure.
This book is honestly one of the best ones--if you're looking for a heart-wrenching, romantic, comedy (in some ways), chic flick-ish, spiritual, uptodate book.
Tabitha is a well-drawn character, as are the rest of the characters. They're all very well put, together young girls and then, when one of them needs them the most, they're torn apart. It very much reminds me of some personal experiences, even though they may not have been so serious.
I love the honesty that McVoy portrays in the life of a teen. Yeah, it's tough. Yeah, you may cuss out your best friend. Yeah, you may want to hit something when you don't know what to wear. But somewhere in the midst of all that there's the falling-in-love, maturing person that you've been looking for all along.
Cover Comments:
The cover is sort of eye-grabbing, and when I saw the cover it sort of drew me to it if you know what I mean. :)
All in all, Pure by Terra Elan McVoy is one of the best books I've read, and I give it a 9/10.!! =]]

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Uglies is an exciting future book about 15 year old rule breaking, Tally Youngsblood who has three months to turn pretty to be with her friends in New Prettytown!! They have an operation that makes them pretty when they turn 16. When she sneaks over to New pretty town to crash a party and see her best friend Peris she almost gets caught, she bungi jumps off the New Prettytown building and ends up at the river that spearates Ugliesville from New Prettytown, Where she meets shay an another rule breaking ugly who just wants to stay an ugly. Tally and shay start hanging out and they become friends. They have the same birthday so they plan to turn pretty together. Then shay tells tally that she doesnt want to turn pretty and wants to say an ugly forever and she wants to run away to the Smoke. Tally doesn't want to run away to the smoke with shay and shay accepts her decision, but shay leaves a coded note for tally if she changes her mind. The day tally turns 16 she is taking for her operation, somewhere called special circumstances, where the people are pretty but in a totally different cruel edgy kind of way. Tally meets a special named Dr. Cable who tells tally that she cant turn pretty until tally brings shay back from the smoke. Dr. Cable blackmails tally into going to the smoke to find shay and if she doesnt she will never turn pretty. Tally chooses to betray shay and go to the smoke. Dr. Cable gives tally a heart necklace with a tracker inside of it. Tally eventually finds the smoke and shay, Where she meets david a smokie who has lived there his whole life, tally eventually falls in love with him. After a while of being at the smoke tally likes it and decides to stay, when she throws the heart necklace Dr. Cable gave her into a fire to destroy it she acidentally activates the tracker. When she wakes up the next morning the whole smoke is in Chaos. Tally gets captured by a special but escapes where she makes her way back to the city to fix what she did wrong!
Dont miss the second book to the series Pretties

Book Review: Prada & Prejudice-Mandy Hubbard

Mandy Hubbard's Prada & Prejudice is most definitely for any of you Janette Rallison fans out there. Here's the basic plot of the book:

Callie is one of those girls that you see on a trip to London for the summer, sitting alone at a cafe` because her "buddy" went off with her friends, and doesn't want to get in trouble. For some reason or another, she just starts walking off one day, away from the cafe` in her hotel, and starts to shop. Surely the girls'll accept her now, right? And then? Then she finds these awesomely amazing Prada heels, and has to have them. She goes in the store and buys them without even trying them out, then walks out with them on. Callie starts walking, and, BONK! She falls and hits her head on the concrete hard. When she comes to, it's somehow the year 1812, and she's somehow a guest in the house of Alex, the elitist duke of Harksbury. With an engagement to break, a kiss to win, and truth to find, Prada & Prejudice is a definite must-read for your new year.

The title of this book most definitely caught my eye at Borders. It's very entertaining, and the characters are very well put together. I love how I can relate to Callie in a lot of things--like, say, not being able to walk in 5-inch Prada heels. =]]

The storyline is very predictable, however I still couldn't put the thing down! It drew me in with every sentence I read, and yet I knew what was going to happen in the next one. Predictibility is not always bad, you know. =]]

The dialogue is amazing, the way she put it together. All of the 1812-characters talk formally and everything, while Callie still talks like 21st century and stuff. I write a lot, and things like that are very much easily said than done.

Cover Comments:

I have to give the cover some props. I mean, sure it may be sort of cliche, however it's always great to see one heel flying up in the air and an upside down teacup flying out of her hand. :)

All in all, I give this book a 7/10. Not the best, not the worst, but pretty close to the best. lol.
